Plano Location

(972) 519-0006

Prosper Location

(214) 305-4020

1170 North Preston Road Ste. 120 Prosper, TX 75078

1170 North Preston Road Ste. 120 Prosper, TX 75078


Navigating daily activities with hyperopia, or farsightedness, can be a challenge. At Eye Gallery - Prosper Location in Prosper, TX, we offer treatments that can help with this common refractive error. Before you visit us for an eye exam or a contact lens prescription, learn more about hyperopia below!

Understanding Hyperopia

Hyperopia occurs when light entering the eye focuses behind the retina rather than directly on it. This can cause difficulty seeing objects up close, while those that are at a distance are relatively clear. Some common symptoms of hyperopia include:

  • Struggling to focus on close-up tasks, such as reading or sewing
  • Eye strain or discomfort after concentrating on work
  • Frequent headaches related to eye strain
  • Squinting to see clearly

Comprehensive Vision Exam for Hyperopia Detection

A regular vision exam can help detect hyperopia. Our optometrist utilizes the latest diagnostic tools to accurately identify and measure the severity of your reflective error. Once the issue is diagnosed, we will recommend a personalized treatment plan that may include eyeglasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgery.

Pediatric Eye Care for Children with Hyperopia

Hyperopia can also affect children, making it essential to prioritize pediatric eye exams. Our optometrist provides thorough eye exams and ensues that your child's vision is developing properly. In addition, early detection and treatment of hyperopia in kids can help prevent learning difficulties and vision problems.

Finding the Perfect Eyeglasses

If you are diagnosed with hyperopia, eyeglasses can help to correct your vision. Our team can help you or your child choose the perfect frames and lenses to suit your style and condition. With a wide selection of eyewear, you'll be sure to find the ideal pair that enhances your eyesight and complements your appearance.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Don't let hyperopia hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Trust Eye Gallery - Prosper Location in Prosper, TX, to provide you with comprehensive eye exams and treatment. Contact us at (214) 305-4020 to schedule an appointment with our optometrist and take the first step toward clearer vision.

Navigating daily activities with hyperopia, or farsightedness, can be a challenge. At Eye Gallery - Prosper Location in Prosper, TX, we offer treatments that can help with this common refractive error. Before you visit us for an eye exam or a contact lens prescription, learn more about hyperopia below!

Understanding Hyperopia

Hyperopia occurs when light entering the eye focuses behind the retina rather than directly on it. This can cause difficulty seeing objects up close, while those that are at a distance are relatively clear. Some common symptoms of hyperopia include:

  • Struggling to focus on close-up tasks, such as reading or sewing
  • Eye strain or discomfort after concentrating on work
  • Frequent headaches related to eye strain
  • Squinting to see clearly

Comprehensive Vision Exam for Hyperopia Detection

A regular vision exam can help detect hyperopia. Our optometrist utilizes the latest diagnostic tools to accurately identify and measure the severity of your reflective error. Once the issue is diagnosed, we will recommend a personalized treatment plan that may include eyeglasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgery.

Pediatric Eye Care for Children with Hyperopia

Hyperopia can also affect children, making it essential to prioritize pediatric eye exams. Our optometrist provides thorough eye exams and ensues that your child's vision is developing properly. In addition, early detection and treatment of hyperopia in kids can help prevent learning difficulties and vision problems.

Finding the Perfect Eyeglasses

If you are diagnosed with hyperopia, eyeglasses can help to correct your vision. Our team can help you or your child choose the perfect frames and lenses to suit your style and condition. With a wide selection of eyewear, you'll be sure to find the ideal pair that enhances your eyesight and complements your appearance.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Don't let hyperopia hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Trust Eye Gallery - Prosper Location in Prosper, TX, to provide you with comprehensive eye exams and treatment. Contact us at (214) 305-4020 to schedule an appointment with our optometrist and take the first step toward clearer vision.

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